FOC Rules
Full Out Camp Dance Residence Rules
By submitting a completed application form via the participant enters into a contract for the provision of services, consents to the GTC and the FOC Rules, and confirms that he/she has read them and agrees with them.
Capitalized words have the same meaning as the definitions in the General Terms and Conditions.
1.1. A Participant who has duly completed and submitted a registration form that has been confirmed by the Promoter and who has paid the non-refundable reservation fee and the remainder in full has the right to participate in dance classes.
1.2. Participant has the right to participate in a total of three classes per day according to their chosen level.
1.3. During the dance class, the Participant must behave in a decent and respectful manner toward other participants.
1.4. During the dance class, the Participant must follow the instructions of the instructor.
1.5. The Participant must inform the instructor of any health problems or injuries.
1.6. The Participant is authorised to make recordings during dance classes for his or her own needs. If a recording is posted on social networks, the Participant must tag the Promoter's Instagram profile @fulloutcamp in the post and provide the profile (or at least the name) of the dance instructor.
1.7. The Participant must refrain from using alcohol and any habit-forming and narcotic substances.
2.1. If the Participant is a minor, the Promoter bears no responsibility for the Participant.
2.2. A minor Participant who is not part of Movement Studios can arrange paid supervision with the Promoter at a cost of CZK 800.
3.1. Prior to the official start of FOC, the Participant can register at a location visibly marked as "Registration".
3.2. The Promoter is not responsible for items brought in to FOC, including their loss or theft. The Participant must take care of their possessions.
3.3. The Participant may smoke only in designated areas.
3.4. The Participant must behave in a decent and courteous manner to other Participants at FOC.
3.5. The Participant is not allowed to use the outdoor pool between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.